Welcome to JLAN's Carrd!

Hi, everyone! I finally made this, as it's better than sending paragraphs over and over and sending individual links.
I will be dumping lotsa info about myself here, as well as adding some of my socials and such.
* Before anything, feel free to message me on Discord! My username is jlan22, I can answer any questions you might have and I don't mind a chat!

My name is Alan. I also go by Jay, from an old nickname I used to go by. I'm a 21 year old trans guy born on the 12th of December 2003, somewhere in North Africa. I'm a demiromantic greyace individual who uses he/they pronouns and much prefers masculine terms. I'm also mildly autistic, and diagnosed with ADHD (as well as a now mild depression, and anxiety), making me neurodivergent.

I'm a college/university student, currently studying Computer Science/Multimedia. Before that, I used to study Ecological Engineering, but the program was too tiring and took a toll on my mental health (+ the fact i had to move out from my hometown to another unfamiliar area). So I moved back home and changed schools.
My mental health's much better now, and I'm enjoying this course I'm taking!

I'm a pretty artsy fellow. A self-taught artist, who enjoys drawing and singing for example. I've been making digital art for a while now, and am planning on taking commissions someday. I voice act as well, but not as often anymore.
I finally got a professional microphone (USB, though), own a piano and a melodica, and am a beginner drummer (i don't own one yet though sadly)!
More hobbies of mine are playing and listening to music, sometimes writing, and I do enjoy exercising.

I also enjoy gaming, both on consoles and PC! Although my first console was a PS2, I'm more of a Nintendo person, my first Nintendo console being a Nintendo DS. I've grown up with the Mario games, and plenty other ones as well. I own a Nintendo 3DS XL, a WiiU and a Nintendo Switch.
(i had a dsi and a wii, but i gave my dsi to my cousin when i got my 3ds, and plan on selling my wii)
fun fact all my consoles are homebrewed :D ha

As previously mentioned, I'm planning on opening commissions! It's going slow, I'm trying to create a commission sheet and I'm having some difficulty with it. But I will be accepting Steam gift cards and Discord Nitro, not actual money. Long story short, my country's customs and currency are an obstacle in so many things I want to do, hence why I do dream of going to another country after college.
* 10/13/2024 : I took an impromptu commission and finished it today, receiving Nitro Basic in return. Commissions were still closed, but I will consider that one a small trial to test the waters. I just need to get a sheet ready and we're good to go!

Will probably be adding more soon...

~ Social Media

One minor detail: I'm not active on all of them. I've been a bit more active on Bluesky lately by microposting! Thinking of becoming active on Tumblr and Instagram again when it comes to art. I've just been procrastinating lately. (will be posting song covers on YouTube soon! i also started posting on TikTok a bit just recently)
However, I'm mostly active on Discord!

To contact me via gmail, my address is: [email protected]!

~ Interests

Here's a LONG list of my interests and hyperfixations, both old and new! Goes from 2016 onwards.
Names in bold are current main hyperfixations on which my focus is on at the moment.
Highlighted ones are minor hyperfixations that are chilling in the back of my head.
(PROTIP: You can use ⌘/CTRL+F to see if we have anything in common!)*
(feel free to ask about any of the below hyperfixations! i might still be interested in it - especially Zelda)

Current Hyperfixation(s):
IchimatsuSuzuka - Popuna - Ace Attorney
(+ Baldi's Basics, Roblox Doors/Grace and Zelda in the background)

Additional Information
(music + games)
夜詛YASO curse of soiréeTop favorite: Nyoromi

Other characters I like: Kirima Shouka, Mina Ogami?
1. kieyu
2. moonwalk
3. MidNocturne (PAPERvsSNAKE)
4. awaken one's dream
Current hyperfixation!
I first watched GOHOME gameplay back in 2021. I got hooked to it somewhere in 2024, and soon found out about YASO as well.
Finding the person behind those games, I decided to check out what she does and listen to her music. And I cannot lie - they're amazing!
(first favorite music artist, idk how to explain, feel free to ask!)
(haven't heard everything yet)
1. カロリー廃!!
2. テディーベアティー
(Teddy Bear Tea)
3. がぶりしゃくしゃくじゅるるるごっくん
Current hyperfixation!
Of course, I got introduced to her via SZK's older videos, as Popuna's her younger sister!
Her music is equally as good, and her streams are fun! (plus, she's pretty wholesome herself)

(I absolutely love the dynamic between the two, so I get super happy when I see them collabing in some way like music or gaming!)
FandomsCharacters I Like(d)More Recent/Top Favorite(s)Additional Information
Super MarioLuigi, Toad, Bowser, Ludwig, Iggy, Prince Peasley, Cappy, Huey, Goombella, Prince Dreambert, BedsmithLuigi, Toad, Prince Peasley, Goombella, Prince Dreambert, BedsmithI've been in and out of this fandom since I was a kid, the 3rd column are the last ones I liked before getting out of my Mario hyperfixation again.
The Legend Of ZeldaLink, Ghirahim, Fi, Midna
[NEW] Linebeck, Tetra, Toon Link, SS!Zelda, ST!Zelda, Niko(?)
Fi, Linebeck, TetraLingering Background Hyperfixation
Skyward Sword was my childhood game, but I completed more Zelda games!
I also enjoy playing Zelda randomizers (ssrando and ootr), it's what brings me in and out of the hyperfix.
SplatoonAll?No favoriteNothing much to say, Splatoon real cool, but I can play only the first game online.
KirbyKirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight, Waddle Dees/Doos, Chilly, Magolor, Taranza, Susie, Three Mage Sisters, Knuckle Joe, Prince Fluff, EscargoonZan Partizanne, King Dedede, Chilly, Susie, Prince Fluff, Knuckle Joe, Meta KnightRTDLDX got me hyperfixated, the remake of my childhood game.
EggerlandLolo and Lala I guess?No favoriteI've gotten hyperfixated to the Eggerland series for a bit, as I'm a sucker for puzzle games. (i still love them though)
Rhythm HeavenKarate Joe, DJ Yellow, Space Kicker, Rockers, Tall Tappers, The Clappy Trio, Stepswitchers, Airboarders, Red Rap Woman (AKA Pink), Saltwater, maybe moreKarate Joe, DJ Yellow, Space KickerI've been in the fandom twice, Saltwater's an inside joke between me and a couple friends. I also 100% Rhythm Tengoku!
WarioWare9-Volt, Orbulon, Dr. Crygor, Penny, Spitz, Mike, 18-Volt9-Volt, OrbulonI liked 9-Volt as a kid, cuz we both liked Nintendo LMAO i know it's a silly reason
I also was somewhat of a Penny kinnie, and recently I liked Orbulon the most.
Ace AttorneyUnsure, most characters afaikDetective Dick Gumshoe, Miles Edgeworth (i guess?)Current hyperfixation!
I love solving puzzles, and I love anything involving trials and things happening in court.
So that's why I knew that AA would be a fun game for me! I procrastinated playing it for months, until I decided to finally and officially start playing it just recently, in January 2025.
Indeed, I was immediately hooked!
can gumshoe be my dad
PokemonUnsureNo favoriteIt didn't last very long, and it happened because I watched Indigo League. I'm not interested in the franchise anymore, whatsoever.
SonicTails the foxUnsureIt didn't last very long, and I can't remember what got me into it as I haven't played any game nor watch anything related to Sonic.
(ok silly reason but i think it's cuz i loved "reach from the stars" from sonic colors)
Mario : The Music BoxUnsureNo favoriteIt was a cool game, I can't remember much information though.
UndertaleAll characters I supposeUndyne, Papyrus2016, those were the daysss, really that era was my "true" exposure to the internet (still remember getting my cousin into it too, )
DeltaruneSusie, Ralsei, Lancer, Noelle, Rouxls Kaard, Queen, Sweet Cap'n CakesSusie, Sweet Cap'n Cakes, Queen?I used to be a Susie simp. I just recently played chapter 2. (yes i don't like spamton that much)
Stardew ValleySebastian, Linus, Harvey, Alex, SamSebastian, LinusBeen playing it everyday. Trying to stop a little though, so that I'm not unhealthily addicted. Married to Sebastian with a child (so far, "Finn") and 10 hearts with Linus on my main/first save!
Pico's School
(Newgrounds too)
Pico, Darnell, Nene, Alucard

(as for newgrounds in general, unsure, probably Fancy Pants Man and the Tankmen i guess)
Darnell, Alucard?I started really getting into Flash Games, more precisely Newgrounds (despite not being a big part of my childhood).
Mostly Pico related games, but I also play some other things for nostalgic reasons or just to pass the time.
Friday Night Funkin'Mommy Mearest, Pico, Tankman
(yes i know they're not from fnf)
[NEW] Darnell
DarnellFNF stuff started showing up on my TikTok FYP, slowly got back into it, just recently started playing some mods I've seen but haven't played years ago.
Definitely got me hooked, and lead me to play things on Newgrounds!
PaRappa The Rapper
UmJammer Lammy
PaRappa, Lammy, maybe moreLammyI think I kinned Lammy.
Rhythm DoctorMost of the characters, basicallyMaximo "Lucky" Jonronero, Nicole Ting(?), Dr. Ada Paige, Dr. IanI used to be a Paige simp back in 2019, but when I got back into RD in 2022, it changed to Nicole. Current simp victim? Not sure, but I got back into it cuz nostalgia. :3
(shoutout to rdl i missed you guys)
[game 100% complete!]
A Dance of Fire and IceNeutral towards everyoneNo favorite (i think)balls
i love trans-neptunian object and play in speed trials a bit too often
[game 100% complete!]
MelatoninWho else is thereother than the hoodie guyMy friend gifted me the game, and a couple months after finishing the game I picked it back up. It helps me cope in a way and reminds me of Rhythm Heaven hence why I enjoy it a lot!
Just Shapes And BeatsBlixer, Sad Boi, LycanthropyLycanthropyMinor Hyperfixation!
I think I rather liked the song, than the character (Lycanthropy). That was back in summer 2018.
[2024-2025] Properly bought the game again! It's pretty fun, and I love the dynamic between the square and the shape trio.
(fuck the lost chapter)
VocaloidNoneNo favoriteDidn't last very long, probably only listened to the more popular songs.
Genshin ImpactVenti, AlbedoNo favoriteI couldn't play much since my old laptop lagged and crashed a lot, so I only know a few characters, not the story itself.
Cookie RunRye Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Sorbet Shark Cookie, Mango Cookie, Avocado Cookie, Cherry Cookie, Licorice Cookie, Sour Belt CookieRye Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Sorbet Shark Cookie, Mango Cookiei once closet cosplayed as sorbet shark for halloween with my irl bestie as almond :D
Among UsNoneNoneWhat is there to say? I just enjoyed playing the game with an old friend.
Baldi's Basics in Education and LearningUnsure (i think beans is silly btw)No favoriteMinor Hyperfixation!
Picked the game up 6 years later to try and get the Null boss fight. Working on it!
(story mode with all fun settings on is left now)
Doki Doki Literature ClubYuri, NatsukiNo favoriteDidn't last very long.
Mystic MessengerYoosung Kim, Jaehee Kang, 707Yoosung Kim, Jaehee KangI used to be a Yoosung simp, but now I like Jaehee way too much. she's hot okay
Your Turn To DieMost characters; will update soonKai SatouInteresting experience (from 2019). Don't remember much, though.
[2024-2025] KAI SATOU KIMI GA SHINE IS SO PRETTY YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jojo's Bizarre AdventureNarancia Ghirga, Mikitaka Hazekura, Guido MistaNarancia GhirgaI stopped somewhere in part 5, got too lazy to watch the rest and eventually lost interest.
Yuri!!! on ICEMost of the skaters, feel free to ask!Phichit ChulanontThis anime made me love ice skating, unfortunately there aren't rinks nearby. also very gay
Hazbin HotelUnsureNo favoriteI haven't watched the new episodes yet. I really should.
AnimaniacsYakko Warner, Wakko Warner, Dot Warner, PinkyWakko WarnerThis was something I got to share with mom, which was really nice. I own a Dot Warner plush too!
EncantoMost of the MadrigalsLuisa MadrigalThis was the era where I went viral on YouTube: posted Encanto edits, and people loved them! Deleted due to copyright though. (can be found on my server)
Harry PotterUnsureRon WeasleyWatched some of the movies, don't remember much though.